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Hands Voting

2023 - 2024
Board of Directors Elections

Elections will be held on  AT 7:00 pm at 1123 2nd St, Wyandotte, MI 48192


Position Descriptions


The President shall convene regularly scheduled Board meetings, shall preside or arrange for another member of the executive committee to preside at each meeting.









The Treasurer shall make a report at each Board meeting. Treasurer shall chair the

Finance Committee, assist in the preparation of the budget, help develop fundraising

plans and make financial information available to Board members and the public.



Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for taking roll call at all board meetings,

keep records of Board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all

meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes via

email and the agenda to each Board member.


(3 Open Positions)

The trustee will vote on matters regarding policy, approve the annual budget, provide

financial oversight, update the strategic plan, and evaluate progress toward achieving this






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Nomination and Voting Information



Nominations must be submitted to the Recording Secretary no later than 30 days prior to elections.  Please submit your nomination by completing the nomination form above.  Nominations must be received by April 8th, 2024

A person can only be nominated for one position.

Nominations must include person nominated and position.


Anyone requesting to be nominated for an officer position (eg. President, Vice-President, Secretaries, Advocate, or Treasurer) must have served on the board of directors the previous year.







Voting will be held at the General Membership Meeting on May 13, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the 2nd St Performing Arts Center, Wyandotte, MI 48192.  You must arrive at the meeting no later than 7:45 pm to be eligible to vote.

Voting must be in person.  All members in good standing may submit one ballot. A member is someone that has either participated in a show during the 23-24 season, had a child participate in a show during the 23-24 season, is a lifetime member or has purchased a $5  season memberships. You must be 18 or older to vote. 1 vote per household. 

Absentee – members may have the option to vote absentee.
   -  Members wishing to vote absentee must vote in person.
   -  Members will have a two week window prior to the elections to cast their ballot.

   -  Members must contact the secretary to make arrangements to cast their ballot.

Proxy – Not accepted.


The Ballot




Recording Secretary: 

Trustees (Member at Large): **Select 3 only**


Contact the Secretary to Arrange Your Absentee Vote by Clicking the Button Below

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